Anglo-American Summit
London, England, UK, 15 Feb 2016 - In honor of celebrating ten years of operation for the World Finger Jousting Federation and nearly a decade of presence in the British Isles, the President of the WFJF traveled to England on the 7th for an official meeting with Richard Gottfried, British Consul to the Federation and head of operations in Europe. The Anglo-American Summit took place in historic King’s Cross and included a stately dinner event, a tour of the British Library and other notable sites, and libations at the Parcel Yard.
Gottfried joined the Federation in November of 2006 and has notably directed and served as marshal for the World Finger Jousting Championships at the World Alternative Games in Wales in 2014 and 2012. With an impressive competitive record too, Gottfried has distinguished himself outside of the Federation in other obscure sports as a champion mini-golfer with over six hundred courses visited in the UK. While balancing time as a busy professional, he represented Great Britain in international crazy golf tournaments throughout Europe and become the World Egg Throw & Catch Champion at the World Alternative Games in 2012. Gottfried was accompanied at this landmark WFJF event on 7 January by his wife and fellow competitor Emily.
Among the topics discussed between the Lord of the Joust Julian Gluck and "Squire" Gottfried were updates to the next iteration of the unabridged Finger Jousting Rules and Regulations. Although many of the proceedings that lead to changes to this hallowed document are shrouded in mystery, Gluck and Gottfried confirmed a few of the amendments being discussed and cleared up some misconceptions floating around the international finger jousting community.
Finger jousting is a sport where two consenting players square off in an attempt to prod their opponent with their lancing (right) index finger before the opposing player can. The competitors must keep their right hands locked in an arm wrestling fashion and not use their legs or latent (left) arm in an offensive manner. The competitors are known as jousters, and the act of touching the other person’s body with the index finger is known as lancing.
"It is true that the Federation is continuing to put forth effort and resources toward solving the age-old issue of handedness in competition," stated Gluck. "Although we have not yet reached consensus on a true rule change, we are planning on implementing a statement of regulatory guidance until we can truly bridge the right-handed/left-handed gap in match play or an ambidextrous singularity occurs. While this is still the defining rights issue of our generation of jousters, I can confidently say that the Federation is making great strides in overcoming many of the challenges the sport is facing as well as celebrating our achievements."
"Having worked with Julian for many years," said Gottfried, "it was an absolute pleasure to meet the Lord of the Joust in person. There are certainly some exciting plans ahead for the world of finger jousting, not least the rules update. I'm sure my fellow finger jousting enthusiasts worldwide will be jubilant and excessive in their celebrations as the WFJF moves forward in the next chapter of the fine sport."
Before returning to the United States after the goodwill trip throughout Europe, the President of the WFJF made a few remarks about his desire for another showcase of international finger jousting talent at the World Alternative Games later in the year and his appreciation of the Gottfrieds for hosting his visit and Britons everywhere for their firm commitment to obscure sports
The World Finger Jousting Federation can be found online at

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WFJF Media Department